CRB-SEED Symposium
The 1st Colorado River Basin Symposium on Sustainable Energy, Environment, and Urban Development (CRB-SEED) will be held at University of Nevada, Las Vegas, NV (UNLV) on March 14 and 15, 2024. CRB-SEED aims to bring STEM researchers from eight Hispanic Serving Research Universities (HSRUs) and four more Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSIs) to exchange ideas and encourage new perspectives on Sustainable Energy, Environment, and Urban Development in the Colorado River Basin region while fostering collaboration among HSIs. The target universities include University of Nevada, Las Vegas, NV (UNLV), University of California (UC) Riverside (UCR), UC Santa Barbara (UCSB), UC Irvine (UCI), University of Arizona (UA), Arizona State University (ASU), University of New Mexico (UNM), and University of Colorado Denver (UCD), California State University (CSU) Bakersfield (CSUB), CSU Northridge (CSUN), CSU San Bernardino (CSUSB), San Diego State University (SDSU).
Programs include paper presentations, keynote speeches on diversity, equity, inclusive in STEM research, and panel discussions on funding opportunities from NSF, DoE, NASA and private foundations, as well as facility visits at UNLV. Graduate and undergraduate students and post-docs from participating universities are invited to submit one-page abstracts and present sustainability research at CRB-SEED. Researchers from historically marginalized groups, including people of color and women are strongly encouraged to participate. Topics of interests include:
Renewable energy
Water resource management
Sustainable environment
Climate change and aridification
Intelligent transportation systems
Sustainable housing and infrastructure
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The symposium flyer can be downloaded here .
Abstract Submission
Abstracts should be limited to 500 words in PDF. Student presenters should list their advisors’ name on the abstract. Presenters will be notified by email. Prizes for best presentation will be given based on quality of research, applications, and presentation skills. Travel funds will be provided by each presenter’s home university. Lodging and food expenses will be covered by UNLV. Please submit the one-page abstract
here by Wed.,Feb. 7, 2024 (extended).
All symposium attendees please fill the registration form by Monday, Feb. 19, 2024.
Symposium Organizers
Dr. Mei Yang (UNLV)
Dr. Meena Ejjada (UNLV)
Dr. Francesca Hopkins (UCR)
Dr. Lisa L. Losada-Rojas (UNM)
Dr. Alfredo A. Martinez-Morales (UCR)
Steering Committee
Dr. Hannes Bauser (UNLV)
Dr. Marie-Odile Fortier (UNLV)
Dr. Xiaojun Geng (CSUN)
Dr. Yunfei Hou (CSUSB)
Dr. Christopher Olivares Martinez (UCI)
Dr. Kelly Simmons-Potter (UA)
Dr. Ivan Ramirez (UCD)
Dr. Ehsan Reihani (CSUB)
Dr. Shangping Ren (SDSU)
Dr. Xin Su (ASU)
Dr. Tianfang Xu (ASU)
Dr. Yangying Zhu (UCSB)
If you have any question about the symposium, please contact Dr. Mei Yang, Email:, Phone: (702) 895-2364 or Dr. Meena Ejjada, Email: